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The recipient simply lies on a treatment couch and relaxes. If they are unable to lie down the treatment can be given in a sitting position, the main thing is for the recipient to be as comfortable as possible. There is no need to remove any clothing as Reiki will pass through anything, even plaster casts.

My Treatment / Training Room

Training and treatments are carried out in my conservatory. Allowing me to open the doors into the garden and allow the energies to flow freely.

Karuna Reiki®

Karuna Reiki® opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit.

Karuna Reiki® Training

Karuna Reiki® opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit.


Reiki can be sent remotely via distance healing it does not need to be a hands on treatment.

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Please note that it is not the job of Complementary Therapists to diagnose conditions and that this falls within the remit of medical practitioners whose advice should always be obtained as the primary form of contact.

In no way are Complementary therapy’s or energy work intended as a replacement for medical or psychological advice or treatment. If you have any health conditions in the first instance contact your GP or other recognised or registered medical professional or practitioner.

In addition to the above statement, would like to point out that when we discuss the etheric properties of crystals, essences, angels and other spiritual, energetic or complementary practices, either in person, via the website or our literature, we are communicating our own beliefs and the results of research that we have carried out.

This does not mean that you will benefit from all or any of the alleged properties of crystals, essences, angels or other spiritual, energetic or complementary practices.

Furthermore, it should be noted that the information given in healing sessions, is for informational purposes only, the information given being part of a holistic approach to life which also forms part of a scientific and holistic experiment. Reiki Healing or any of its therapists cannot be held responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any information that may be given or intuited.

The information given in a reading is not a substitute for any medical, professional, legal or financial advice and should not be treated as such. By agreeing to receive a reading or healing session, it is understood that the client takes full responsibility for any use of the information given and its interpretation.

It is understood that the client takes full responsibility for understanding and agreeing to the terms, as outlined above, before the commencement of, or participation in, any healing session or other energetic, spiritual or complementary practice offered by Reiki Healing.


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